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5. Chien-Yu Pan, Guan-Liang Kuo, Chia-Chen Li*
"Solid Electrolytes and Dendrite Dynamics in Solid-State Lithium–Sulfur Batteries"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfacese 17, 12136-12146, 2025.

4. Pei-En Lo, Chia-Chen Li*
"Separation of cathode and anode impedances for analyzing polysulfide conversion in Li-S batteries with a hierarchical porous carbon host"
Electrochimica Acta 521, 145921, 2025.

3. Chan-Wei Chang, Yu-Shen Yen, Chih-Huang Lai, Chia-Chen Li*

"Optimized dispersion and alignment of iron particles in magnetic composite films"
Materials Chemistry and Phisics 334, 130397, 2025

2. An-Jun Zheng, Chia-Chen Li*
"Magnetic particle dispersion in magnetorheological slurries for planarization enhancement"

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 616, 172803, 2025

1. Yun-Wen Wu, Chia-Chen Li*
"Electrochemical assessment of a Li-ion full cell with cathode-anode impedance separation via in-situ EIS-DRT and three-electrode configuration"
Journal of Power Sources 630, 236115, 2025


8. Kuo-Hsuan Ni, Zhe-Long Chen, Chia-Chen Li*
"Densification and stress distribution within the sintered structure of ceramic electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries,"
Acta Materialia 275, 120057, 2024.

7. Jaturon Kumchompoo, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Chia-Chen Li*
"How dispersed LLZTO enhances ionic conductivity in LiFePO4 composite cathodes for solid-state batteries,"
Journal of Energy Storage 102, 114215, 2024.

6.Chuan-Sheng Cho, Yun-Wen Wu, Ming-Wei Liao, Jhewn-Kuang Chen, Chia-Chen Li*
"In-Situ Analysis of Cathode and Anode Impedances to Probe the Performance Degradation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,"

Journal of Power Sources 620, 235235, 2024.
5. Rui-You Jian, Chia-Chen Li*
"Interactions between organic binder and boron sintering aid in the slurry of LLZTO electrolyte,"
Journal of Energy Storage 84, 110799, 2024. 

4.Yu-Han Wang, Chia-Chen Li*
"Highly effective EMI shielding composites for 5G Ka-band frequencies,"
Applied Materials Today 36, 102041, 2024. 

3. Mao-Hsuan Peng, Chia-Chen Li*

"EDTA-Functionalized Hierarchical Porous Microspheres for Effective Cobalt Ion Recovery from Water,"
Materials Advances 2024, 5, 7609-7616  

2. Yen-Cheng Fang, Chih-Huang Lai*, Chia-Chen Li*
"Dispersion stabilization of carbonyl iron particles and its applications in chemical mechanical planarization,"
Colloids and Surfaces A 683, 133003, 2024. 

1. Pin-Yu Chen, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Chia-Chen Li*
"Enhancing performance of lithium-sulfur batteries through porous carbon network integration in carbonized cotton,"
Materials Research Bulletin 170, 112563, 2024. 


4. Shu-Ming Yeh, Chia-Chen Li*
"Enhancing Li+ Transport Efficiency in Solid-State Li-ion Batteries with Ceramic-Array-Based Composite Electrolyte"
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 24390-24402, 2023. 

3. Guan-Wei Li, Chia-Chen Li*
"Enhancing electrochemical performance of solid-state Li-ion batteries with composite electrolytes of fibrous LLZTO and PVDF-HFP: The role of LLZTO fiber diameter,"
Journal of Energy Storage 74, 109531, 2023. 

2. Yi-Ting Chen, Chia-Chen Li*
Carbon microspheres with gigapores for application as electrode-active material of sodium-ion batteries,"
Material Chemistry and Physic 305, 127998, 2023. 

1. Ling-Hsuan Huang, Chia-Chen Li*
Liquid metallic Ga as sintering aid to promote the densification of garnet electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries,"
Journal of  Power Sources 556, 232527, 2023. 

5. Ching-Ping Hsiao, Jhewn-Kuang Chen, and Chia-Chen Li*
Microencapsulated Liquid Metals for the Autonomous Restoration of In-Mold Electronic Circuits"
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4, 936–945, 2022

4. Sireesha Pedaballi, Chia-Chen Li*

Using conductive carbon fabric to fabricate binder-free Ni-rich cathodes for Li-ion batteries,"
International Journal of Energy Reserach 46,4671-4679, 2022

3. Sheng-Yu He, Chia-Chen Li*
Advantages of Using Carbon Fabric over Cu Foil as Conductive Matrix for Anodes of Micro- and Nano-Sized Si,"
Materials Reserach Bulletin 148, 111690, 2022. 

2. Shih-Yao Chien, Lu-Cheng Hou, Chia-Chen Li, Chien-Neng Liao*
Flexible thermoelectric generators prepared by dispenser printing technology,"
Materials Chemistry and Physics 297, 126269, 2022.
1. Chuan-Sheng Cho, Jhewn-Kuang Chen, Chia-Chen Li*
Construction of an Additional Hierarchical Porous Framework in Carbon Fabric for Applications in Energy Storage,"
Chemistry of Materials 34, 8127–8137, 2022.  (Invited Journal Cover)


4. Sireesha Pedaballi, Chia-Chen Li*
Aqueous Processed Ni-Rich Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 Cathodes Along with Water-Based Binders and a Carbon Fabric as 3-D Conductive Host,"
Journal of Electrochemtry Society 168, 120538, 2021. 
3. Sheng-Yu He, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Jhewn-Kuang Chen, Chia-Chen Li*
Good Structural Stability of Si Anodes Achieved through Dispersant Addition and Use of Carbon Fabric as Conductive Framework,"
Journal of  Electrochemtry Society 168, 060517, 2021.
2. Chun-Hung Yu, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Chia-Chen Li*
Well-Dispersed Garnet Crystallites for Applications in Solid-State Li–S Batteries,"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 11995-12005, 2021. 
1. Hung-Jui Hsu, Chia-Chen Li*
TiO2-based microsphere with large pores to improve the electrochemical performance of Li-ion anodes,"
Ceramics International 47, 12038-12046, 2021. 

11. Ta-Li Hsieh, Chia-Chen Li*, Po-Ching Lin, Ya-Chu Hsu
Encapsulating Well-Dispersed Carbon Nanoparticles for Applications in the Autonomous Restoration of Electronic Circuits,"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 38690-38699, 2020. 
10. Sireesha Pedaballi, Chia-Chen Li*
Effects of surface modification and organic binder type on cell performance of water-processed Ni-rich Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 cathodes,"
J. Power Sources 472, 228552, 2020. 
9. Chuan-Sheng Cho, Jin-Yu Chang, Chia-Chen Li*
Highly symmetric gigaporous carbon microsphere as conductive host for sulfur to achieve high areal capacity for lithium–sulfur batteries,"
J. Power Sources 457, 227818, 2020. 
8. Chung-Chun Wu, Chia-Chen Li*
Distribution Uniformity of Water-Based Binders in Si Anodes and the Distribution Effects on Cell Performance,"
ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 8, 6868-6876, 2020.
7. Tsung-Ming Chao, Ta-Li Hsieh, Shinn-Jen Chang, Cha-Wen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*
New Brush Copolymers as an Effective Dispersant for Stabilizing Concentrated Suspensions of Silver Nanoparticles,"
Langmuir 36, 3377-3385, 2020. 
6. Jia-He Kuo, Chia-Chen Li*
Water-Based Process to the Preparation of Nickel-Rich Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 Cathode,"
J. Electrochem. Soc. 167, 100504, 2020. 
5. Tsung-Ming Chao, Shinn-Jen Chang, Cha-Wen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*
Using a Brush Copolymer as Efficient Dispersant for the Preparation of Highly Stabilized Ag Nanoparticles in Aqueous Suspensions,"
J. Surfactants Deter. 23, 841-851, 2020. 
4. Xin-Rui Wu, Chun-Hung Yu, Chia-Chen Li*
Carbon-encapsulated gigaporous microsphere as potential Si anode-active material for lithium-ion batteries,"
Carbon 160, 255-264, 2020. 
3. Hsuan-Ju Shih, Jin-Yu Chang, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Chia-Chen Li*
Nano-carbon-fiber-penetrated sulfur crystals as potential cathode active material for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries,"
Carbon 159, 401-411, 2020.
2. Changyong Liu, Deng Yan, Jianwei Tan, Zhuokeng Mai, Zhixiang Cai, Yuhong Dai, Mingguang Jian, Pei Wang, Zhiyuan Liu, Chia-Chen Li, Changshi Lao*, Zhangwei Chen*
Development and experimental validation of a hybrid selective laser melting and CNC milling system,"
Addit. Manuf. 36, 101550, 2020. 
1. Yu-Ting Zhang, Hui-Chun Yu, Ming-Cheng Shen, Yuh-Tyng Chern, Chia-Chen Li*
Synthesis and application of self-healing microcapsules containing curable glue,"
Mater. Chem. Phys. 240, 122161, 2020.

6. Hui-Chun Yu, Yu-Ting Zhang, Ming-Jia Wang, Chia-Chen Li*
Dispersion of Poly(urea-formaldehyde)-Based Microcapsules for Self-Healing and Anticorrosion Applications,"
Langmuir 35, 7871-7878, 2019. 
5. Sireesha Pedaballi, Chia-Chen Li*, Ya-Jun Song
Dispersion of microcapsules for the improved thermochromic performance of smart coatings,"
RSC Adv. 42, 24175-24183, 2019. 
4. Chuan-Sheng Cho, Hsuan-Ju Shih, Chia-Chen Li*
Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical Sulfur Composites for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries,"
ChemElectroChem 6, 2438-2447, 2019. 
3. Tsung-Chieh Kuo, Chun-Yu Chiou, Chia-Chen Li, Jyh-Tsung Lee*
In situ cross-linked poly(ether urethane) elastomer as a binder for high-performance Si anodes of lithium-ion batteries,"
Electrochim. Acta 327, 135011, 2019. 
2. Ling-Hsuan Huang, Chia-Chen Li*
Effects of interactions between binders and different-sized silicons on dispersion homogeneity of anodes and electrochemistry of lithium-silicon batteries,"
J. Power Sources 409, 38-47, 2019. 
1. Jia-Hao Jhang, Shinn-Jen Chang, Sireesha Pedaballi, Chia-Chen Li*
A new porous structure with dispersed Nano-TiO2 in a three-dimensional carbon skeleton for achieving high photocatalytic activity,"
Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 276, 62-67, 2019. 


9. Chi-An Chen, Chia-Chen Li*, Chi-Hsien Chen
A smart hemicapsule with multiple dynamic functions,"
Materials Horizons, 5, 1092-1099, 2018. 
8. Wei-Ju Cheng, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Chia-Chen Li*
Using Poly(4-styrene sulfonic acid) to Disperse Graphene for Application in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,"
ChemElectroChem, 5, 3835-3840, 2018. (Invited cover image)
7. Rupesh Rohan, Tsung-Chieh Kuo, Chun-Yu Chiou, Yu-Lung Chang, Chia-Chen Li, Jyh-Tsung Lee*
Low-cost and sustainable corn starch as a high-performance aqueous binder in silicon anodes via in situ cross-linking,"
J. Power Sources, 396, 459-466, 2018. 
6. Ling-Hsuan Huang, Di Chen, Chia-Chen Li*, Yu-Lung Chang, Jyh-Tsung Lee
Dispersion Homogeneity and Electrochemical Performance of Si Anodes with the Addition of Various Water-Based Binders,"
J. Electrochem. Soc., 165, A2239-A2246, 2018. 
5. Wei-Ju Cheng, Chuan-Sheng Cho, Chia-Chen Li*,
Gelatinization of Guar Gum and Its Effects on the Dispersion and Electrochemistry of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,"
J. Electrochem. Soc., 165, A2058-A2060, 2018.

4. Ren-Mian Chin, Shinn-jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*, Cha-Wen Chang, Ruo-Han Yu,
Preparation of highly dispersed and concentrated aqueous suspensions of nanodiamonds using novel diablock dispersants,"
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 520, 119-126, 2018. (Invited cover image)
3. Hsin-Yi Tsai, Shinn-Jen Chang, Ting-Yi Yang, Chia-Chen Li*,
Distinct dispersion stability of various TiO2 nanopowders using ammonium polyacrylate as dispersant,
Ceram. Int., 44, 5131-5138, 2018. 
2. Chia-Chen Li*, Ming-Jyun Li, Yung-Pin Huang,
Dispersion of aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanopowder with high solid content in ethylene glycol,
Powder Technol., 327, 1-8, 2018. 
1. Chi-An Chen, Chia-Chen Li*,
Microencapsulating inorganic and organic flame retardants for the safety improvement of lithium-ion batteries,"

Solid State Ionics, 323, 56-63, 2018.

13. Yun-Ju Lan, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*,
Synthesis of Conductive Microcapsules for Fabricating Restorable Circuits,
J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 25583–25593, 2017. 
12. Pei-Hsuan Huang, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*,
Encapsulation of flame retardants for application in lithium-ion batteries,
J. Power Sources, 338, 82-90, 2017. 
11. Chia-Chen Li*, Dzu-How Yu, Shinn-Jen Chang, Jia-Wei Chen,
New Approach for the Synthesis of Nanozirconia Fortified Microcapsules,
Langmuir, 33, 5843–5851, 2017. 
10. Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chi-Wei Wu, Cha-Wen Chang, Ruo-Han Yu,
Newly designed diblock dispersant for powder stabilization in water-based suspensions,
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 506, 180–187, 2017. 
9. Pei-Hsuan Huang, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*, Chi-An Chen,
Boehmite-based Microcapsules as Flame-retardants for lithium-ion batteries,
Electrochim. Acta, 228, 597-603, 2017. 
8. Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chi-Wei Wu, Cha-Wen Chang,
Poly(methacrylate)-derived Diblock Dispersant for TiO2 in Aqueous Suspensions,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100, 4961–4964, 2017. 
7. Chia-Chen Li*, Ming-Jyun Li, Yung-Pin Huang,
Dispersion of aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanopowder in non-aqueous suspensions,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100, 5020–5029, 2017. 
6. Chia-Chen Li*, Wei-I Liu, Yen-Shin Chen,
Efficient Dispersants for the Dispersion of Gallium Zinc Oxide Nanopowder in Aqueous Suspensions,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100, 920–928, 2017. 
5. Ting-Yi Yang, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*, Pei-Hsuan Huang,
Selectivity of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic TiO2 for Organic-based Dispersants,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100, 56–64, 2017. 
4. Chia-Chen Li*, Jia-Hao Jhang, Hsin-Yi Tsai, Yung-Pin Huang,
Water-soluble Polyethylenimine as an Efficient Dispersant for Gallium Zinc Oxide Nanopowder in Organic-based Suspensions,
Powder Technol., 305, 226-231, 2017. 
3. Chia-Chen Li*, Chi-An Chen, Meng-Fu Chen,
Gelation Mechanism of Organic Additives with LiFePO4 in the Water-based Cathode Slurries,
Ceram. Int., 43, S765–S770, 2017. 
2. Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Chi-An Chen,
Effects of sp2- and sp3-carbon coatings on dissolution and electrochemistry of water-based LiFePO4 cathodes,
J. Appl. Electrochem., 47 [9] 1065-1072, 2017. 
1. Hoxin Yen, Rupesh Rohan, Chun-Yu Chiou, Chang-Ju Hsieh, Satish Bolloju, Chia-Chen Li, Yi-Fei Yang, Chi-Wi Ong, Jyh-Tsung Lee*,
Hierarchy concomitant in situ stable iron(II)−carbon source manipulation using ferrocenecarboxylic acid for hydrothermal synthesis of LiFePO4 as high-capacity battery cathode,
Electrochim. Acta, 253, 227–238, 2017. 

6. Chia-Chen Li*, Sheng Yang, Yu-Ju Tsou, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Chang-Ju Hsieh,
Newly Designed Copolymers for Fabricating Particles with Highly Porous Architectures,
Chem. Mater., 28, 6089–6095, 2016. 
5. J. J. Yang, C. C. Li, Y. F. Yang, C. Y. Wang, C. H. Lin, J. T. Lee*,
Superparamagnetic core–shell radical polymer brush as efficient catalyst for oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones,
RSC Adv., 6, 63472-63476, 2016. 
4. R. Rohan; T. C. Kuo, J. H. Lin, Y. C. Hsu, C. C. Li, J. T. Lee*,
Dinitrile–Mononitrile-Based Electrolyte System for Lithium-Ion Battery Application with theechanism of Reductive Decomposition of Mononitriles,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 6450–6458, 2016. 
3. M.S. Kuo, S.J. Chang, P.H. Hsieh, Y.C. Huang, C.C. Li*,
Efficient Dispersants for TiO2 Nanopowder in Organic Suspensions,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99, 445-451, 2016. 
2. F.Y. Tsai, J.H. Jhang, H.W. Hsieh, C.C. Li*,
Dispersion, Agglomeration, and Gelation of LiFePO4 in Water-based Slurry,
J. Power Sources, 310, 45-53, 2016. 
1. T.H. Ho, S.J. Chang, C.C. Li*,
Effect of Surface Hydroxyl Groups on the Dispersion of Ceramic Powders,
Mater. Chem. Phys., 172, 1-5, 2016. 

Before 2015
G.W. Lai, S.J. Chang, J.T. Lee, H. Liu, C.C. Li*,
Conductive Microcapsules for Self-healing Electric Circuits,
RSC Adv., 5, 104145-104148, 2015. 

Shinn-Jen Chang, Chih-An Tung, Bo-Wei Chen, Yi-Chun Chou, Chia-Chen Li*,
Synthesis of Non-oxidative Copper Nanoparticles,
RSC Adv., 3, 24005–24008, 2013. 
Jyh-Cheng Tsai, Feng-Yen Tsai, Chih-An Tung, Han-Wei Hsieh, Chia-Chen Li*,
Gelation or dispersion of LiFePO4 in water-based slurry?
J. Power Sources, 241, 400-403, 2013. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Ya-Whei Wang,
Importance of binder compositions to the dispersion and electrochemical properties of water-based LiCoO2 cathodes,
J. Power Sources, 227, 204-210, 2013. 
Yi-Ping Liang, Chia-Chen Li, Wen-Jing Chen, Jyh-Tsung Lee*,
Hydrothermal synthesis of lithium iron phosphate using pyrrole as an efficient reducing agent,
Electrochim. Acta, 87, 763-769, 2013. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Chung-Hsuan Chang,
Gelation and degelation of PVA in aqueous BaTiO3 slurries,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96, 436–441, 2013. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Fan-Jun Su, Shu-Wei Lin, Yi-Chun Chou,
Effects of capping agents on the dispersion of silver nanoparticles,
Colloids Surf. A, 419, 209-215, 2013. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Yu-Sheng Lin,
Interactions between organic additives and active powders inwater-based lithium iron phosphate electrode slurries,
J. Power Sources, 220, 413-421, 2012. 
Yen-Yao Cheng, Chia-Chen Li, Jyh-Tsung Lee*,
Electrochemical behavior of organic radical polymer cathodes in organic radical batteries with N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquid electrolytes,
Electrochim. Acta, 66, 332–339, 2012.

C.C. Li*, Y.H. Wang,
Binder Distributions in Water-based and Organic-based LiCoO2 Electrode Sheets and Their Effects on Cell Performance,
J. Electrochem. Soc., 158, A1361-A1370, 2011. 
Hsiao-Chien Lin, Chia-Chen Li, Jyh-Tsung Lee*,
Nitroxide polymer brushes grafted onto silica nanoparticles as cathodes for organic radical batteries,
J. Power Sources, 196, 8096-8103, 2011. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Ya-Hui Wang, Ting-Yu Yang,
Effects of Surface-coated Carbon on the Chemical Selectivity for Water-Soluble Dispersants of LiFePO4,
J. Electrochem. Soc., 158, A828-A834, 2011. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Ming-Yu Tai,
Effects of Compositional Impurity on Surface Chemistry of TiO2Nanopowder and its Chemical Interactions with Dispersants,
Mater. Chem. Phys., 131, 400-405, 2011. 
Chia-Chen Li*, Shinn-Jen Chang, Ming-Yu Tai,
Surface Chemistry and Dispersion Property of TiO2 Nanoparticles,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93, 4008–4010, 2010. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Yi-Chen Lee, Yi-Mu Cheng,
Effects of Interactions Among BaTiO3, PVA, and B2O3 on the Rheology of Aqueous BaTiO3 Suspensions,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93, 3049–3051, 2010. (SCI)
Jyh-Tsung Lee*, Fu-Ming Wang, Chin-Shu Cheng, Chia-Chen Li, Chun-Hao Lin,
Low-temperature atomic layer deposited Al2O3 thin film on layer structure cathode for enhanced cycleability in lithium-ion batteries,
Electrochim. Acta, 55, 4002–4006, 2010. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Chun-Lung Huang,
Preparation of Clear Colloidal Solutions of Detonation Nanodiamond in Organic Solvents,
Colloids Surf. A, 353, 52–56, 2010. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Xing-Wei Peng, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Fu-Ming Wang,
Using Poly(4-Styrene Sulfonic Acid) to Improve the Dispersion Homogeneity of Aqueous-Processed LiFePO4 Cathodes,
J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, A517-A520, 2010. (SCI)
Shinn-Jen Chang, Chia-Chen Li*, Wei-Sheng Liao, Jyh-Tsung Lee,
Efficient Hydroxylation of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles by Using Hydrogen Peroxide,
Colloids Surf. A, 361, 143–149, 2010. (SCI)
Shinn-Jen Chang, Wei-Sheng Liao, Ci-Jin Ciou, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Chia-Chen Li*,
“ An Efficient Approach to Derive Hydroxyl Groups on the Surface of Barium Titanate Nanoparticles to Improve Its Chemical Modification Ability, 
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 329, 300–305, 2009. (SCI)
Jyh-Tsung Lee, Yung-Ju Chu, Xing-Wei Peng, Fu-Ming Wang, Chang-Rung Yang, Chia-Chen Li*,
“ A novel and efficient water-based composite binder for LiCoO2 cathodes in lithium-ion batteries, 
J. Power Sources, 173, 985–989, 2007. (SCI)
Jyh-Tsung Lee, Yung-Ju Chu, Fu-Ming Wang, Chang-Rung Yang, Chia-Chen Li*,
“ Aqueous processing of lithium-ion battery cathodes using hydrogen peroxide-treated vapor-grown carbon fibers for improvement of electrochemical properties, 
J. Mater. Sci., 42, 10118-10123, 2007. (SCI)
J. T. Lee*, M. S. Wu, F. M. Wang, H. W. Liao, C. C. Li, S. M. Chang, C. R. Yang,
“ Gel Polymer Electrolytes Prepared by in situ Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization at Ambient Temperature, 
J. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 10, A97, 2007. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Jen-Lien Lin, Shu-Jiuan Huang, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Ci-Huei Chen,
“ A New and Acid-exclusive Method for Dispersing Carbon Multi-Walled Nanotubes in Aqueous Suspensions, 
Colloids Surf. A, 297, 275-281, 2007. (SCI)
Jen-Chieh Liu, Jau-Ho Jean*, Chia-Chen Li,
“ Dispersion of nano-sized g-alumina powder in non-polar solvents, 
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89, 882-887, 2006. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Jyh-Tung Lee, Xing-Wei Peng,
“ Improvements of Dispersion Homogeneity and Cell Performance of Aqueous-Processed LiCoO2 Cathodes by Using Dispersant of PAA-NH4, 
J. Electrochem. Soc., 153, A809-A815, 2006. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Yi-Ling Tung,
“ Effects of pH on the Dispersion and Cell Performance of LiCoO2 Cathodes Based on the Aqueous Process, 
J. Mater. Sci., 42, 5773-5777, 2006. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Jyh-Tsung Lee, Chen-Yu Lo, Mao-Sung Wu,
“ Effects of PAA-NH4 Addition on the Dispersion Property of Aqueous LiCoO2 Slurries and the Cell Performance of As-Prepared LiCoO2 Cathodes, 
Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 8, A509-A512, 2005. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li, Jau-Ho Jean*,
“ Effects of Ethylene Glycol, Thickness, and B2O3 on PVA Distribution in Dried BaTiO3 Green Tape, 
Mater. Chem. Phys., 94, 78-86, 2005. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li*, Mei-Whei Chang,
“ Colloidal Stability of CuO Nanoparticles in Alkanes via Oleate Modifications, 
Mater. Lett., 58, 3903-07, 2004. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li, Jau-Ho Jean*,
“ Dissolution and Dispersion Behavior of Barium Carbonate in Aqueous Suspensions, 
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 2977-83, 2002. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li and Jau-Ho Jean*,
“ Interaction Between Dissolved Ba2+ and PAA-NH4 Dispersant in Aqueous BaTiO3 Suspensions, 
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 1449-55, 2002. (SCI)
Chia-Chen Li, Jau-Ho Jean*,
“ Interactions of Organic Additives with Boric Oxide in Aqueous Barium Titanate Suspensions, 
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 1441-48, 2002. (SCI)

Particle dispersion and Energy-Storage Materials Lab

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