Particle Dispersion and Energy-Storage Materials Lab
恭賀 李嘉甄 教授

恭賀 彭茂軒同學 榮獲112年材料顯微結構美學競賽佳作
恭賀 葉書銘同學 榮獲111年陶瓷年會碩士論文獎第一名 ! !
恭賀 卓泉勝同學 榮獲110年度盧善棟獎學金 ! !

卓泉勝's research work has been published in the Journal of Power Sources.
In-situ analysis of cathode and anode impedances to probe the performance degradation of lithium–sulfur batteries

倪國軒's research work has been published in the Acta Materialia.
Densification and stress distribution within the sintered structure of ceramic electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries

王郁涵's research work has been published in the Applied Materials Today.
Highly effective EMI shielding composites for 5G Ka-band frequencies
葉書銘's research work has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Enhancing Li+ Transport Efficiency in Solid-State Li-ion Batteries with Ceramic-Array-Based Composite Electrolyte
李冠瑋's research work has been published in the Journal of Energy Storage.
Enhancing electrochemical performance of solid-state Li-ion batteries with composite electrolytes of fibrous LLZTO and PVDF-HFP: The role of LLZTO fiber diameter
Porous Microspheres
The specially designed copolymers have unique chemical and physical properties, which can form porous structures by a facile single-step process. The fabricated porous microspheres have a pore size ranging from submicrometer to micrometer.

Self-healing Materials
The self-healing function of microcapsules has attracted the most interest in recent decades. Based on the healing mechanism, not only the structural fracture but other physical properties such as anti-corrosion or electrical conductivity can also be spontaneously restored.

High-energy lithium-ion batteries
Lithium−sulfur batteries fabricated by using the core–shell composites composed of a commercial sulfur core and a carbon nanopowder shell show reduced self-discharge and improved capacity and maintained 100 % of the columbic efficiency.